ABOUT Siena Capital Trade

Siena Capital Trade Pty Ltd is an Australian based investment company, this platform is an outstanding Forex and Commodities Broker regulated by Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) registered on 26th of July 2019 with ACN#: 635135456/ABN#: 21635135456 Siena Capital Trade operations and high yield are achieved through the use of modern systems for crypto cloud mining, investment and trading. The company cooperates with the largest farms and investment giants in several countries (United States of America, German, Japan, Cyprus, China etc). Together, we have formed a large enough network that has high performance and strong potential.
Siena Capital Trade technical experts drawn from the best trading and investment managers across the globe possess the necessary knowledge and cooperation needed for financial analysis and trading on cryptocurrency exchanges ready to make profit on a consistent basis, and to develop and influence the development of crypto investment industry at large. Participation on our platform is completely safe, fast and reliable.

Our Mission is to promote e-currency trading and investment, Offering our partners excellent financial services with a team of dedicated experts and in line with global best practices and regulations for consumer protection. We believe in decentralised wealth creation. Siena Capital Trade is geared towards fundamentally changing how the world view the creation and uses of money.

WHY CHOOSE Siena Capital Trade



Global Accessibility

We are just one click away from you at all times with no restrictions as we are accessible world over and with our use of E-currencies we ensure full Anonymity of our partners.


Professional trading Team

Our team is made up of expert trading and investment managers from all over the world with decades of financial investment experience. We simplify trading by using high-frequency smart, flexible and Stable investment strategy in building sustainable high ROI and efficiently reduce risk for our partners.


24/7 Support

Our Online support team are actively ready on all our communication channels to assist you 24/7.


Active Member




Total Invest


Investment Plans

3% daily 5 days

Basic Plan

$ (50 - 2999)

Profit (%) 3%

Instant Withdrawal

24/7 Customer Support

Invest Now

5% daily 3 days

Premium Plan

$ (3000 - 9999)

Profit (%) 5%

Instant Withdrawal

24/7 Customer Support

Invest Now

10% daily 1 day

Advanced Plan

$ (10,000 - 100,000)

Profit (%) 10%

Withdraw Instant

24/7 Customer Support

Invest Now

10% referral commission in all our investment plans.

Partner With Us Today For Financial Solution.


client’s say

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